rodrick lopez

Read the previous blog

It has began!

We are a few weeks into 2025 and it's been a busy year already.

I have no schedule for this blog but I have a few rules:

  1. If I feel inspired I have to post
  2. If I feel like it can help at least one person I have to share
  3. ???

I will be adding rules as we go.


Rather than sharing in chronological order I'm going to share from NOW to the beginning of the year since the last few weeks are fresh in my head.

I started meditating again.

Like many of you I am sure - my mind never stops.

This is how I feel all day:

Constantly looking into the future strategizing the perfect scenario.

How can I:

  • Make things better
  • What can I create
  • What else should I be doing

As you can imagine (or maybe experience) my sympathetic nervous system is constantly on.

I rarely relax.

And as you might know - some stress is great for growing - too much stress leads to quite the opposite.

So in an attempt to organize my mind - reduce stress - and really FEEL what I need - I started to meditate again.


If you've never meditated before - it is wild.

We won't dive to far into this today but let me talk a little about my experience.

When I meditate my hands disappear.

All sensation goes away.

I can't tell where I begin and where I end.

My body disappears into the vibrations of earth.

I picture all my cells lined up next to one another vibrating gently.

As I look at all my cells I see a few that are not in sync.

Like this:

I shift my mind to syncing up and accepting life as it is.

The out of sync cells are the ones trying to resist my reality.

Instead of resisting I let any emotion that's been hidden away come into my mind.

Look I know this sounds like some granola type stuff but it really helps.

I feel and I acknowledge that it's there - I don't want to resist.

I then spend time focusing on gratitude.

Comment 3 things you are grateful for below and see how your mood shifts immediately.

*If you've ever been interested in meditating but have no idea where to start - for awhile I did guided meditation with some apps. Or you can just search on youtube for free ones. 

Anyway - meditating is awesome.

Most recent listen:

A good friend of mine Pdog shared this podcast with me:

I took a few days to finish it but it had a ton of great insight on life, relationships, and what's stopping you from being your best.

Here is my favorite quote form the entire pod:

"Crisis produces a necessity for change" - Tony Robbins

People live one of two ways:

  1. Life happens to me
  2. Life happens FOR me

When I look back on life - even the worst of times - I was taught valuable lessons.

Without those times I would have never developed the tools necessary to be where I am today.

Shift your way of thinking and the worst days could be the stepping stones to your new BETTER future.


I recently went live with Kevin Ogar.

Kevin is the director of WheelWod.

WheelWOD is a competitive adaptive fitness program designed for athletes with physical impairments, providing CrossFit-style workouts and events tailored to various adaptive divisions.

I'm very excited to announce that him and I will be going head-to-head on 25.3 during the Wheelwod open.

Other athletes going head-to-head.

We are early into the season so Kevin wasn't able to share much but here are a few key points:

  • Expansion of adaptive classifications, with 300-400 new athletes classified for competition this year.
  • New classification system streamlines the process and improves fairness.
  • 16th adaptive division added, splitting the ID (Intellectual Disability) category into two groups.
  • Bigger warm-up areas provide more space and improved competition logistics.
  • Varied workouts and time domains offer a broader spectrum of challenges.
  • Event takes place in Las Vegas in September, alongside Masters Weightlifting, Powerlifting, and Strongman competitions.
  • Adaptive Judges Course.
  • Volunteering information will be released soon.

First competition in 3 years

Highlight of the comp for me:

  • Helped 2 athletes complete their first ever competition!
  • Pr'ing my 3 position snatch at 225!

It felt good being out on the competition floor again.


Another very fun trip to Miami for the 3rd year in a row.

Paper St Coffee most successful trip. So it was a win in my book.

Check out all the memes we made in Miami.


1. Did you know I do the marketing and emails for Paper st coffee?

I love writing. And I also love challenging myself to see if my writing can persuade people to take action!

Interested in seeing my copywriting?

Copywriting is the art of writing persuasive text that encourages people to take action.

Just sign up for paper st coffee emails. Scroll down on their homepage.

2. I got the opportunity to make a few videos for CrossFit!

3. I put a lot of my coaching videos back up

They are available here.

Until next time

This is all I can think of for now.

I know this blog will get better with time - and the more often it goes up the more in-depth we can go on individual topics.

How is your year going so far?

Read the next blog: "self help"

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Your writing DOES inspire action from others (and I like the format of your first blog post!)

Focusing on gratitude and mindset is such a wonderful reminder thank you sir <3

Looking foreword to reading more golden nuggets from you -

Yeaaaah brother
HELL YEAH BROTHER! Excited to share the journey with you <3

Chacha Bizarre

Loved the first blog entry and the “Life happens FOR me not AT me” quote!
All love Rolo!
Thank you my dawg! I think so often people let every situation derail them rather than inspire them. Every situation can be a lesson!
Hey I just wanted to let you know I moved my website to memefortime.com If you enjoyed the blog – you can see the newest one posted there today!

Armando Flores

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