The goal
rodrick lopezThis blog
I've been thinking about doing this blog for a long time.
What stops me most days is thinking that no one will care.
I will do all this work - put in this time - and at the end not a single soul will spend time reading.
What I realized is that it doesn't matter.
I've never approached a single thing in my life with the hopes of it reaching anyone. I did it for me.
I didn't think about popularity, money, or having a seat at the "table".
How I decided what I was going to do was by FEEL.
Intuition - the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.
Something about it just feels right so I pursue it.
My intuition
In college I had multiple opportunities to get a "real" job - but it didn't feel right.
What felt right was to become a coach.
Often times I would scour the internet looking for jobs someone could even get with a Kinesiology degree.
NOTHING online seemed liked the right fit.
I just kept going - I knew it would work out.
With graduation around the corner and still no job - I was not stressed out.
Something told me I made the right decision.
A few days before graduation I got a text from a friend about a full-time CrossFit coaching position in San Diego.
I went to school at Cal State Fullerton but had always dreamed of moving to San Diego - plus that's where my girlfriend lived.
Long story short - I got the job and after graduation I had locked in a full-time gig.
This is after many conversation with friends and family trying to convince me to get a "real" job.
Like I said - I go by feel - and so far in my life it's worked out pretty well.
So I've decided to start this blog - it just feels right.
What is this blog?
I've always wanted to put EVERYTHING I'm doing in one place.
- Books I've read or am reading
- Coaching tips
- Social media tips
- Work I've done
- Goals I have
- Life changes
- Everything...
Somewhere I can share ANYTHING I find of value to the world.
If you happened to stumble upon this page WELCOME!
I hope I eventually share something with you that you find valuable and can take with you on life's journey.
Excited to follow, never have followed a blog before, but I will now!
I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for being along for the ride!
Hey I just wanted to let you know I moved my website to If you enjoyed the blog – you can see the newest one posted there today!
Way to put yourself out there. Always been a fan of you! Keep kicking ass!!!!
Erin thank you so much for checking out the blog! It really means a lot to me. I am very excited to share and grow! I hope to see you back here again. Have an incredible Tuesday!
Hey I just wanted to let you know I moved my website to If you enjoyed the blog – you can see the newest one posted there today!