The goal

rodrick lopez

This blog

I've been thinking about doing this blog for a long time.

What stops me most days is thinking that no one will care.

I will do all this work - put in this time - and at the end not a single soul will spend time reading.

What I realized is that it doesn't matter.

I've never approached a single thing in my life with the hopes of it reaching anyone. I did it for me.

I didn't think about popularity, money, or having a seat at the "table".

How I decided what I was going to do was by FEEL.

Intuition - the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

Something about it just feels right so I pursue it.

My intuition

In college I had multiple opportunities to get a "real" job - but it didn't feel right.

What felt right was to become a coach.

Often times I would scour the internet looking for jobs someone could even get with a Kinesiology degree.

NOTHING online seemed liked the right fit.

I just kept going - I knew it would work out.

With graduation around the corner and still no job - I was not stressed out.

Something told me I made the right decision.

A few days before graduation I got a text from a friend about a full-time CrossFit coaching position in San Diego.

I went to school at Cal State Fullerton but had always dreamed of moving to San Diego - plus that's where my girlfriend lived.

Long story short - I got the job and after graduation I had locked in a full-time gig.

This is after many conversation with friends and family trying to convince me to get a "real" job.

Like I said - I go by feel - and so far in my life it's worked out pretty well.

So I've decided to start this blog - it just feels right.

What is this blog?

I've always wanted to put EVERYTHING I'm doing in one place.

  • Books I've read or am reading
  • Coaching tips
  • Social media tips
  • Work I've done
  • Goals I have
  • Life changes
  • Everything...

Somewhere I can share ANYTHING I find of value to the world.

If you happened to stumble upon this page WELCOME!

I hope I eventually share something with you that you find valuable and can take with you on life's journey.

Read my first blog entry

Back to blog


Excited to follow, never have followed a blog before, but I will now!
I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for being along for the ride!
Hey I just wanted to let you know I moved my website to If you enjoyed the blog – you can see the newest one posted there today!

Carlos Cortez

Way to put yourself out there. Always been a fan of you! Keep kicking ass!!!!
Erin thank you so much for checking out the blog! It really means a lot to me. I am very excited to share and grow! I hope to see you back here again. Have an incredible Tuesday!
Hey I just wanted to let you know I moved my website to If you enjoyed the blog – you can see the newest one posted there today!

Erin Bates

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