Thinking you can is 99% of the battle
rodrick lopezRead my last blog: "Self help"
Has everything been going well and out of nowhere those thoughts creep in.
"You don't deserve this."
"You are not good enough."
"You don't deserve this level of happiness."
I've heard some say they never get these thoughts. I am not that person.
Before I read this book The big leap I wasn't really sure what to do with these thoughts. To be honest I figured they were pretty common.
I realized that we all have what Gay Hendricks calls a happiness thermostat.
There is an acceptable amount of good we let happen in our life until things get suspicious.
Our thermostat gets triggered and we subconsciously create whatever is needed to bring the happiness back down to an "acceptable level".
Here is where it got REAL for me.
The example he uses: You have a good day - feeling on top of the world, and when you get home you might - get in an argument or have negative thoughts that bring you back down.
He calls it the Upper Limit Problem.
According to him the "fix" to the upper limit problem is AWARENESS. Shining a light on when its happening and bringing it into the conscious mind.
I have worked VERY hard to be aware of when I'm having these types of thoughts.
Here is what happens when I do:
- I become aware that it's happening
- I accept my mind isn't me. (This idea is from The Untethered Soul)
- I accept the feelings associated with the thoughts.
- I change the thoughts into what he calls an expansive belief.
Let me know if you snag or listen to the book. I love this topic.
I have introduced the Upper Limit Problem to my friends and family - and for a few it's been a game changer.
Shoutout to my friend Shawna Norton for recommending the book in the first place.
Thinking you can is 99% of the battle
Speaking of limiting beliefs:
"Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right" - Henry Ford
On Tuesday Liam and I were practicing for the Open so instead of working out at the same time - we judged each other.
The workout was pretty simple:
- DB snatch 50lbs
- Ring rows
- Box jumps
I went first and was cooked. Lungs were hurting and I pushed hard.
Liam is half way through and realizes he's ahead of my time. He has never beat me on a workout and has only been doing CrossFit for a few months.
I see that he realizes he can win and immediately tell him: "YOU CAN BEAT ME. You CAN."
I screamed it to make sure if he had a single doubt in his own mind - he wouldn't be able to hear it.
He ended up beating me by about 20 seconds - which is pretty crazy in such a short workout.
I reminded him after that regardless of who is around you that it's easy to let self-doubt take over.
"That person is fitter than me so I can't possibly be ahead of their pace."
"That person is stronger than me so there is no way I will out lift them."
It doesn't matter what that person is or isn't - it only matters what you are.
Put in your 100% effort and let the chips fall where they may.
Working with Brands
I get a TON of questions on HOW to work with brands. What to charge, how to ask, the in's and outs.
It's all really new to me as well and I am learning as I go. I'll share a recent example!
I recently completed a contract I had with Assault Fitness.
My obligation was an agreed amount of content in return for an assault runner.
Normally I would prefer my compensation to be money - so I can pay my mortgage and bills but I have wanted an assault runner since they came out!
Paradigm shift
When I started getting offers to work with companies I thought I had to say yes to everything - even stuff I didn't use.
It seemed SO COOL.
I quickly realized that accepting everything is NOT what you should do.
Your audience relies on you to be honest and transparent. I stopped accepting anything, got rid of everything that I didn't actually use - and started fresh.
From that day on I promised myself that ANYTHING I promote needs to be:
- Something I find valuable.
- I HAVE to use it before promoting it.
- If I try it and it sucks - its a no.
- It has to be stuff I actually use.
If I don't use the product its too much work to promote. It's fake. It's not natural.
That's why if you follow me on social you see the same companies over and over again.
It's all stuff I use in my everyday life.
Social media
While I am no expert I have put everything I know about social media in one place.
Read my next blog (coming soon)
Answering your reply…even though I’ve CrossFitted for 16 years, this will be my 2nd ‘official’ Open. I would do our gym Open competition every year, but never though I was ‘good enough’ to register online. My mindset and my coaches have helped me figure that out different over the years! Keep up these blogs! Great content!
Congrats on signing up for your second Open! I cannot wait to hear about it.Stoked you have good coaches guiding you through it!What are you most excited for?
Hello from chilly Wyoming! Been doing CrossFit 16 years now – started ‘late’ in life, so still trying to master several moves! Looking forward to the Open- Masters Division here! 💪🏼 Great, inspirational blog! Keep it up and keep those memes funny! 😆
16 years is freaking incredible! Did you do the first ever CrossFit Open? Your CF ID number must be low! Thank you for sharing your appreciation for the memes!
Hey I just wanted to let you know I moved my website to If you enjoyed the blog – you can see the newest one posted there today!
Hello from the Midlands, UK!
Absolutely crazy that we can connect from around the world!
Hey I just wanted to let you know I moved my website to If you enjoyed the blog – you can see the newest one posted there today!
Hello from South Africa. Such a timely blog confirming something that happened this morning. I set out to pb my deadlift. Saw myself accomplish that goal beforehand and I got it. Went for the next lift and my mind was like nope you got your goal 😂 thank you 🙏🏻
Heck yes! This is what I like to hear. A little of believing, a little hard work, and some visualizing! The secret formula!
Hey I just wanted to let you know I moved my website to If you enjoyed the blog – you can see the newest one posted there today!
Kul med din nya blogg 🤗 Trevlig helg från Sverige 🇸🇪
Thank you! I’m glad you like it! Hello from across the pond!
Hey I just wanted to let you know I moved my website to If you enjoyed the blog – you can see the newest one posted there today!