How to get a bar muscle up | Build your own program

rodrick lopez

What is up Rolosquad!

Complete bar muscle up program

This will be the most in-depth HOW TO get a muscle up video you have ever seen.

Rather than give you a fish, I'm going to teach you how.

I'll be brutally honest, most of you that searched for this video are looking for a quick tip on how to do a bar muscle up... even though you are not strong enough. It's okay, I like that you're motivated and doing research.

Even those of you strong enough should still be doing these exercises. What changes for you however is rather than focusing on pulling, your focus would be on MOVEMENT specific exercises.

I can 100% guarantee YOU that the stronger you get, the easier bar muscle ups will be.

If you cannot do strict pull-ups and multiple chest to bar pull-ups I would recommend STOP trying to do a bar muscle up and focus on your positions and strength in the less technical movements FIRST!

Don't forget - movement over everything.

When you focus on the fundamentals, magic happens.

*Disclaimer: these are the methods I have used successfully in the past and continue to use now. They ARE NOT the only way. Allow yourself to be creative and don't think you have to follow these guidelines strictly. This video is meant to guide you. You got this!


+Pulling focused+

Compound movements x 1-2 of them

Isolation movements (accessory) x 2-3 of them

Movement specific x 1-2 of them

Core x 1 of them

*If you are unsure of what movements to choose, simply google pulling movements and boom choose any. The worst thing that can happen is you get stronger on a random pulling movement. Just make sure you understand how to perform the movement correctly.

I recommend doing pulling movements you have performed before.

+Movement specific focused+

Movement specific x 2-3 of them

Compound movement x 1-2 of them

Isolation movements x 1-2 of them

Core x 1 of them

*Notice in the movement specific focused we work on movement specific first. Be sure to WARM UP properly before jumping right into muscle up practice.


3 X 8-12 Strict pull-ups

3 x 8-12 DB row

3 x 8-12 Supine barbell row

3 x 8-12 Barbell curl

3 x 8-12 Banded bar muscle up ish

3 x :20 weighted hollow holds

If you guys have any questions or want help working on building your own program, email me at

As always, PUT IN WORK!

Love, Rolo

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