Best nutrition coaching | CBG nutrition has changed the game for me!
rodrick lopez*Disclaimer: CBG nutrition pays me to promote and use their program.
Since I started CrossFit in 2012 I had always been on and off macros.
I would crush it for a few months and then completely fall off.
This was how it went:
- Start weighing and measuring
- Stay consistent and don't eat anything that can't be tracked
- Avoid going out with friends/family
- Avoid my moms home cooked meals
- Avoid going to places that didnt have macros available
Eventually I'd get over it and wanted to go to a family gathering and not be so strict.
I would get lazy for a few weeks and the process would restart.
Over and over I went for about a decade.
It was hard NOT to feel like a failure every time I stopped counting.
I was frustrated but I didn't know any other approach.
Fast forward to NOW and I couldn't be more stoked with CBG.
It has completely shifted my approach to nutrition and it's been a game changer.
I don't ever worry about counting or measuring.
I can easily take trips, go out with friends and family, and even after an off meal/day I can get right back on the horse.
Messing up a meal or two doesn't feel like failing because it's so easy to adjust the next few meals to get back on track.
I also am way more thoughtful on the types of food I'm eating.
With macros I just cared about hitting my macros. Which I do think inhibited my progress quite I bit.
I was missing some really important micronutrients since all I cared about was macros.
Starting with CBG:
What I love about starting with CBG is they made everything simple from the start.
I filled out a few pages of questions going over: what I do everyday, my goals, and my current habits.
From there they gave me blueprints with times, types of food, and everything I needed to crush my goals.
It was all there FOR me.
I did NOT have to do any of the work. No more thought - just action required.
I also had access to a coach where I could ask questions, get adjustments, ideas, and even modify my blueprint if I had a competition - or bigger training day coming up.
It was so nice to have someone IN my corner to make sure I was successful.
More than a year later I don't really ask my coach for much. I've been given the TOOLS I need to succeed - it's really up to ME now to crush my goals.
If I ever need them - they are there.
I'm glad they taught me along the way so I could take ownership for myself.
I recently wrote my top few things I've learned from CBG in a pdf AND I include what a typical day of eating looked like leading up to my last competition.
I also used CBG (Coach Amanda is the best). I am far from a competitive crossfit athlete, but I have been a team sports athlete most of my life. After starting a desk job, I was noticing all the wrong changes. Weight gain, fatigue, lack of motivation, but then I found crossfit. As I was progressing and learning I was seeing changes, but then came across CBG and was curious how it could help. The blue prints are easy to follow, the one on one time with a coach is awesome, and having the flexibility to eat with my family and friends is awesome.