The internet is for arguing

rodrick lopez

Read the previous blog post: "Thinking is 99% of the battle"

The internet is for arguing

When I started memefortime I vowed that I wouldn't post about hot topics. Political, religious, etc...

Is this because I don't have opinions? Of course I have opinions. However, I started noticing that very few people were looking to understand or learn.

They wanted to argue.

This still seems true.

Very seldom do I see someone arguing and the people they are arguing with go, 

"Oh wow, what a great point of view - I never looked at it that way."

It doesn't NEVER happen, just not often.

Tires at a coffee shop

The more charged social media got the more annoyed I got when I saw a page dedicated to funny content, meme, or whatever it might be - posting their stance on hot topics.

Even if I agreed with what they were saying - I would still roll my eyes.

Let me note here that you can do whatever they hell you want with YOUR page - I couldn't care less.

I just figured that if I felt annoyed - others might feel the same way.

So I thought, "what if a create a place where that doesn't happen 🤔."

Here is how it felt to me:

Pretend you walk into a coffee shop and when you get to the counter they hand you your coffee and they also try to sell you 4 new tires.

They go, "Look your tires are worn, its wet outside, that could be dangerous!"

While I completely agree I came here to get coffee...

If I wanted tires - I would go to the tire shop. 

Anyway - I'm not seeking anyone to respect or care about my beliefs or opinions. They are mine.

My closest friends all have one thing in common - grace.

We all voted differently and at end of the day what matters is how we treat each other. Nothing else.


When I was training really hard I got x-rays every year or so to make sure my spine was healthy.

Since training more casually I let it go unchecked for sometime.

For Christmas my mom got me an initial session with a new chiropractor in town.

After my x-rays we sat down and went over the findings.

Arthritis in multiple parts of my spine and some fusing.

My first thought was - I'm 31 what the fuck is going on lol.

My second thought was - looks like I better lock-in even more.

What does this mean for me?

In my early 20's I did about 0 things right for my recovery.

I barely slept, ate only moderately okay, and trained hard every day.

Half way through my 20's is when I realized that if I focused more on:

I could take a lot of stress off my body and get better, FASTER.

I know people that barely sleep, eat like shit, drink, trash their body and have perfect blood pressure, health markers, and are absolute monsters.

Would it be nice to be like them? Yes.

While I recognize genetics plays a factor I take it as a challenge, NOT something to feel bad about.

They might be physically in a better spot - but because I have to overcome other shortcomings - I will be stronger mentally.

This insight isn't to make anyone think woe is me - I'm just sharing so everyone can know - go get your health markers, go to the chiro, get blood work, etc...

And if you need to get locked-in even more. Do it!

Doing stuff we don't want to do

My friend Paulina started a podcast.

Before I share it I want to talk about - doing stuff we don't want to do because we KNOW it'll make us better.

How often do you do things that you don't want to do?

Im not talking - doing the dishes, or putting your laundry away.

I mean going off the beaten path to make sure you're out of your comfort zone?

I would expect most would say - not very often.

Being uncomfortable sucks. Maybe you're afraid of falling flat on your face. Or you're afraid your family and friends will judge you.

To you I offer my favorite and very popular quote:

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

― Theodore Roosevelt

Don't be someone who stays in the stands of life. Get out there on the field.

No ones judgment of you from the stands matters. They are too afraid to be on the field.

Even if you fall flat on your face - you were courageous enough to try.

Here is Paulina's podcast. Watching someone grow and learn in real time is freaking awesome. Check it out as she navigates this new venture. You'll learn a thing or two.

Friends who cheer for you

It's easy to find friends who support you when things are going wrong but true genuine joy for someone else's success is almost impossible to find.

When I was younger my parents would always tell me to not be jealous or envious of others.

Rather to celebrate what they have because them having it means I get to share it with them.

Even though this was video games and Pokemon cards - the meaning was so much deeper.

Who knew if their intention was to teach to me how valuable celebrating others was - regardless - it worked.

As I got older I never forgot this lesson.

A friend would have good fortune or their hard work would pay off and my first instinct wasn't jealousy or envy - it was awe.

They put in enough work to accomplish what they are doing. The time and energy it must've taken.

Unfortunately this sentiment was not shared when I had success.

The day I realized...

It came to light one day.

I got a really cool opportunity and shared my excitement online.

I assumed my good friend who worked in the same field would call right away - or at least share their excitement on social media.

A day passed - nothing.

Another day passed - nothing.

I chalked it up to they didn't see it.

A few days later I saw them and giddy with excitement told them the news.

No excitement, no emotion, they just looked at me and said, "Yeah I saw it but I was jealous."

I was dumbfounded.

How could you be jealous? This means we both benefit! We are friends.

It sunk in that day.

Not everyone I share my energy with will want me to succeed. Regardless of the success they have. Regardless of the success I help them achieve. Nothing.

Since that day I am careful who I share my energy with.

I look for clues to see how those around me react when I share bad news and good news.

I still get it wrong from time to time but I am much more intentional.

All this to say - be careful who you share your energy with.

If you find someone who can be there for you through the tough times AND the best days of your life - you've found yourself a painite. (the rarest gem in the world)

Read the next blog post: I've manifested my future (coming soon)

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ive been following you for a few years now. imho your success is MY success. Every time you level up I clap and smile. We desperately need the cheerleaders in our lives. It also means that if I feel validated, im much more likely to be open to constructive criticism. You and your beautiful wifey are two of my very favorite social media people. If I want to buy tires, i know where to go. 😁
You have and I always appreciate seeing your comments and DMs!It means a lot that you’re invested in our success.We will keep cranking and continue to level up! I hope you’re doing well!
Hey I just wanted to let you know I moved my website to If you enjoyed the blog – you can see the newest one posted there today!

Julia Brandon

I have learned that the best way to deal with other people is to be open to listen and understand their POV.
I literally tell them: “Iam open to be convinced, go on, throw whatever you got” and that changes their perspective.
When I see that someone is trying to sell Me tires 🛞 then I just listen and then if possible change the conversation to something more in the line of what I am trying to achieve with the time I am there for, either it’s family or friends.

You’re a patient man Aaron! You always seem genuinely interested in what everyone has to say.It’s something I admire – your curiosity is second to none.I think it’s why it’s so easy to get along with you!
Hey I just wanted to let you know I moved my website to If you enjoyed the blog – you can see the newest one posted there today!

Aaron Basave

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